Formulated With Trust
Centuries of effective maternal care formulated with trust
Everyone trusts mothers. Birds, animals, humans; nothing inspires trust like the care a mother has for their offspring. But, if you’re a mom yourself, who do you trust? Who do you turn to with questions? How do you know what products to choose for your own health and that of your growing family?
If you’ve found a tribe to trust with your health and body care, it’s most likely filled with mothers who have been – or are – there and are going through exactly the same things as you. It’s no wonder mommy groups have grown significantly over the past decades. In the last two years alone, the internet and social media have become even more important, with 72% of moms agreeing that technology has been essential to them during the pandemic.*
Whether it’s discussing relatively common things like the best prenatal vitamins in Canada or something more intimate like nipple cream or nipple butter, moms reach out to other moms for experience and wisdom. They talk about it on Facebook, bond over it in online forums, fact-check for each other and share experiences.
Natural remedies with proven results
Today’s moms want the best for their baby’s health (as well as their own) and aren’t willing to compromise on efficacy or accept questionable ingredients. That’s why many natural remedies have grown in popularity, but it’s also why we reach out to other moms to ask, “sure, it’s natural, but does this stuff really work?”
This journey you’re on, to find the right products for different situations pre-and post childbirth? We’ve been there too. As moms and healthcare providers, we knew there were better options for us and also for the families we were working with. It’s why we started Rumina Naturals. We wanted to help moms find the best prenatal and postpartum products that were safe, natural and gentle that were also well-grounded through generations of trusted use and gentle effectiveness.
Ingredients that work…and that you can trust
Motherhood is filled with the unexpected. You might know that sore, cracked nipples could be an issue or that diaper rash happens quickly, but that’s very different from knowing what to do about it. A quick chat with other moms might provide you with a few options they swear by. How do you choose?
We suggest a thorough look at all the ingredients. Many websites, like ours, give complete ingredient lists so that you know exactly what you’re considering putting into or on your body or that of your baby. This is essential.
A product may come with rave reviews, but if you don’t know what’s in it, do you really want to use it? Some ingredients, like the sterile, medical grade manuka honey we use in our Ouchie Momma Nipple Rescue, are more than easy to understand, but what about herbs like torbangun?
Research made easy(er)
While the government of Canada has a licensed natural health products database, it can be difficult to return accurate results. We’ve found if you select NPN/DIN-HM* in the search field and enter the NPN from a natural health product in the Criterion search field, you will usually be able to get the information of the license holder of the product.
Another resource is PubMed. A massive database, this is a great way to look up everything from torbangun to moringa and everything in between. However, keep in mind the database is extensive so be specific with your search terms. Instead of typing in “moringa”, for example, go with “moringa breast milk” to reduce the number of studies returned.
For things like coconut oil or shea butter or other body care ingredients that might not make these types of databases, a great site is Paula’s Choice Skincare where you can enter the ingredient name and see a rating as well as information.
If you still have questions, reach out to us. While reviews and ingredient lists help our customers make decisions about Rumina Naturals products, sometimes you just need to contact another mom you can trust.
* https://www.edisonresearch.com/theresearchmoms/